Exam reports
:: services/examrep module

Retrieving information about exam reports, exam sessions and course participants grades.


course_edition (deprecated) Get exams and grades related to given course edition
course_edition2 Get exams and grades related to given course edition
exam Get info about exam.
exam_session Get info about exam sessions related to en exam.
user Get exams and grades related to given course edition
user2 Get exams and grades related to given course edition


Consumer: optional Token: optional Scopes: n/a SSL: not required

This method is deprecated, please avoid using it - read more

Suggested replacement: services/examrep/course_edition2

Get exam reports related to given course edition.

Access to grades have only coordinators and lecturers of the course edition

course_id required ID of course
term_id required ID of academic term
fields optional

Default value: course_exam|course_units_exams

Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector may contain any subset of fields, which are described in the returns section.

format optional

Default value: json

Format in which to return values. See supported output formats.

callback optional

Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format.

Plus optional standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus optional oauth_token for Token authorization.

Returned value:

A dictionary of selected fields and their values.

Available fields:

  • course_exam - Exam related to course or null if doesn't exist..

    This field references objects returned by exam method. See its returns section for possible subfields.

  • course_units_exams - Dictionary mapping course unit ID to exam related exam..

    This field references objects returned by exam method. See its returns section for possible subfields.


Consumer: optional Token: optional Scopes: n/a SSL: not required

Get exam reports related to given course edition.

Access to grades have only coordinators and lecturers of the course edition

course_id required ID of course
term_id required ID of academic term
fields optional

Default value: id|type_id|type_description

Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector may contain any subset of fields, which are described in the returns section of exam method.

format optional

Default value: json

Format in which to return values. See supported output formats.

callback optional

Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format.

Plus optional standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus optional oauth_token for Token authorization.

Returned value:

A dictionary of selected fields and their values.

Available fields:

  • course_exams - Array of exam reports related to course or null if doesn't exist..

    This field references objects returned by exam method. See its returns section for possible subfields.

  • course_units_exams - Dictionary mapping course unit ID to arrays of related exam reports..

    This field references objects returned by exam method. See its returns section for possible subfields.


Consumer: optional Token: optional Scopes: n/a SSL: not required

Get info about exam.

id required ID of an exam.
fields optional

Default value: id|type_id|type_description

Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector may contain any subset of fields, which are described in the returns section.

format optional

Default value: json

Format in which to return values. See supported output formats.

callback optional

Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format.

Plus optional standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus optional oauth_token for Token authorization.

Returned value:

A dictionary of selected fields and their values.

Available fields:

  • Primary:

    • id - ID of an exam report;

    • description - description of an exam report (LangDict object);

    • type_id - ID an exam report type object;

    • type_description - description of an exam report type (LangDict object);

    • counts_into_average - boolean, indicates if grade from this exam report is counted into average;

    • grade_type - object describing grade type for given exam report.

      This field references objects returned by services/grades/grade_type method. See its returns section for possible subfields.

    • term_id - ID of the academic term related to en exam report;

    • is_editable - true if any of related exam session is editable;

    • course_unit - Course unit object if exam report is related to a course unit.

      This field references objects returned by services/courses/unit method. See its returns section for possible subfields (only primary are allowed).

    • course - Course related to given exam report.

      This field references objects returned by services/courses/course method. See its returns section for possible subfields (only primary are allowed).

  • Secondary:

    • sessions - Exam sessions related to given exam report..

      This field references objects returned by exam_session method. See its returns section for possible subfields.

    • grades_distribution - List of objects of the following structure:

      • grade_symbol - symbol of a grade
      • percentage - percentage of all final grades with this value (empty grades are omitted)

Thrown errors:

  • object_not_found - some of the referenced objects do not exist; param_name is equal to id.


Consumer: optional Token: optional Scopes: n/a SSL: not required

Get info about exam sessions related to en exam.

exam_id required ID of an exam report
number required number of exam session
fields optional

Default value: number|examrep_id|status|description|deadline|is_editable

Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector may contain any subset of fields, which are described in the returns section.

format optional

Default value: json

Format in which to return values. See supported output formats.

callback optional

Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format.

Plus optional standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus optional oauth_token for Token authorization.

Returned value:

A dictionary of selected fields and their values.

Available fields:

  • Primary:

    • number - number of exam session;

    • examrep_id - ID of exam report;

    • status - exam session's status;

    • description - description of an exam session (LangDict object);

    • deadline - a datetime string, date when exam session becomes expired;

    • is_editable - true if exam session is not expired yet, and has status allowing edition..

  • Secondary:

    • grades - Dictionary mapping IDs of participants of the course their grades.

      This field references objects returned by services/grades/grade method. See its returns section for possible subfields.

      Additional permissions note: Consumer key with administrative access is required.

    • issuer_grades - Access token issuer grades.

      This field references objects returned by services/grades/grade method. See its returns section for possible subfields (only primary are allowed).


Consumer: required Token: required Scopes: none SSL: required

Get exam reports related to given course edition.

Access to grades have only coordinators and lecturers of the course edition

term_ids required ID of academic term
fields optional

Default value: id|type_id|type_description

Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector may contain any subset of fields, which are described in the returns section of exam method.

format optional

Default value: json

Format in which to return values. See supported output formats.

callback optional

Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format.

Plus required standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus required oauth_token for Token authorization.

Returned value:

A dictionary mapping academic term IDs to dictionary mapping course id to list of course exams objects.

Each course exams object contains the following fields:

  • course_grades - list of general exam reports
  • course_units_grades - dictionary mapping unit IDs to class exam report


Consumer: required Token: required Scopes: none SSL: required

Get exam reports related to given course edition.

Access to grades have only coordinators and lecturers of the course edition

fields optional

Default value: id|type_id|type_description

Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector may contain any subset of fields, which are described in the returns section of exam method.

term_ids optional

Default value: (empty string)

ID of academic term
format optional

Default value: json

Format in which to return values. See supported output formats.

callback optional

Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format.

Plus required standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus required oauth_token for Token authorization.

Returned value:

A dictionary mapping academic term IDs to dictionary mapping course id to list of exam reports.
USOS API ver., 9b190706, dirty (2024-06-10)