Accessing grades information
course_edition | (deprecated) Get grade of user on given course_edition |
course_edition2 | Get grade of user on given course_edition |
exam | Get user's grades of given exam. |
grade | Get grade of given user and exam session. |
grade_type | Get info about grade type. |
grade_type_index | Get info about all grade types. |
grade_types | Get info about multiple grade types. |
latest | Get user's latest grades |
terms | (deprecated) Get grades of a user on given terms |
terms2 | Get grades of a user on given terms |
update_grade | Update user's grade. (administrative) |
services/grades/course_edition ¶
https://apps.ansb.pl/services/grades/course_edition | ||||||
This method is deprecated, please avoid using it - read more Suggested replacement: services/grades/course_edition2 Get grade of user on given course_edition | ||||||
course_id | required | ID of course | ||||
term_id | required | ID of academic term | ||||
fields | optional |
Default value: value_symbol|passes|value_description|exam_id|exam_session_number Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector must contain subset of primary fields, which are described in the returns section of grade method. |
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
Plus required standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus required oauth_token for Token authorization. | ||||||
Returned value: A dictionary of selected fields and their values. Available fields:
services/grades/course_edition2 ¶
https://apps.ansb.pl/services/grades/course_edition2 | ||||||
Get grade of user on given course_edition | ||||||
course_id | required | ID of course | ||||
term_id | required | ID of academic term | ||||
fields | optional |
Default value: value_symbol|passes|value_description|exam_id|exam_session_number Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector must contain subset of primary fields, which are described in the returns section of grade method. |
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
Plus required standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus required oauth_token for Token authorization. | ||||||
Returned value: A dictionary of selected fields and their values. Available fields:
services/grades/exam ¶
https://apps.ansb.pl/services/grades/exam | ||||||
Get user's grades of given exam. | ||||||
exam_id | required | ID of an exam | ||||
user_id | optional |
Default value: (access token issuer) User whose grades will be returned. |
fields | optional |
Default value: value_symbol|passes|value_description|exam_id|exam_session_number Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector must contain subset of primary fields, which are described in the returns section of grade method. |
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
Plus required standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus required oauth_token for Token authorization. | ||||||
Returned value: Dictionary mapping exam session number to object returned by grade method for each session related to given exam or null if referenced grade does not exist. | ||||||
Thrown errors:
services/grades/grade ¶
https://apps.ansb.pl/services/grades/grade | ||||||
Get grade of given user and exam session. Note that only student that owns grade or authorized lecturer has access. | ||||||
exam_id | required | ID of an exam | ||||
exam_session_number | required | number of exam session | ||||
user_id | optional |
Default value: (access token issuer) User whose grades will be returned. |
fields | optional |
Default value: value_symbol|passes|value_description|exam_id|exam_session_number Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector may contain any subset of fields, which are described in the returns section. |
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
Plus required standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus required oauth_token for Token authorization. | ||||||
Returned value: A dictionary of selected fields and their values. Available fields:
| ||||||
Thrown errors:
services/grades/grade_type ¶
https://apps.ansb.pl/services/grades/grade_type | ||||||
Get info about grade type. | ||||||
grade_type_id | required | Identifier of the type. | ||||
fields | optional |
Default value: id|name Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector may contain any subset of fields, which are described in the returns section. |
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
No additional OAuth arguments are required. If you provide any, they will be ignored. | ||||||
Returned value: A dictionary of selected fields and their values. Available fields:
| ||||||
Thrown errors:
services/grades/grade_type_index ¶
https://apps.ansb.pl/services/grades/grade_type_index | ||||||
Get info about all grade types. | ||||||
fields | optional |
Default value: id|name Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector may contain any subset of fields, which are described in the returns section of grade_type method. |
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
No additional OAuth arguments are required. If you provide any, they will be ignored. | ||||||
Returned value: A list of grade types, as defined in the grade_type method. |
services/grades/grade_types ¶
https://apps.ansb.pl/services/grades/grade_types | ||||||
Get info about multiple grade types. | ||||||
grade_type_ids | required | Pipe-separated list of grade type IDs. | ||||
fields | optional |
Default value: id|name Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector may contain any subset of fields, which are described in the returns section of grade_type method. |
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
No additional OAuth arguments are required. If you provide any, they will be ignored. | ||||||
Returned value: A dictionary: your grade_type_ids will be mapped to dictionary's keys, and each value will contain the description of a grade type, as defined in the grade_type method or null if grade type is not found. |
services/grades/latest ¶
https://apps.ansb.pl/services/grades/latest | ||||||
Get user's latest grades | ||||||
days | optional |
Default value: 7 Grades modified selected number of days ago will be returned |
fields | optional |
Default value: value_symbol|passes|value_description|exam_id|exam_session_number Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector may contain any subset of fields, which are described in the returns section of grade method. |
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
Plus required standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus required oauth_token for Token authorization. | ||||||
Returned value: List of objects returned by grade method. Grades will be sorted descending by date of modification |
services/grades/terms ¶
https://apps.ansb.pl/services/grades/terms | ||||||
This method is deprecated, please avoid using it - read more Suggested replacement: services/grades/terms2 Get grades of a user on given terms | ||||||
term_ids | required | pipe-separated list of academic term ids | ||||
course_ids | optional |
Default value: (empty string) pipe-separated list of course ids to limit results further |
fields | optional |
Default value: value_symbol|passes|value_description|exam_id|exam_session_number Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector must contain subset of primary fields, which are described in the returns section of grade method. |
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
Plus required standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus required oauth_token for Token authorization. | ||||||
Returned value: Multilevel dictionary mapping term_id and course_id to object returned by exam. If term_id given in the term_ids param does not exist it will be mapped to Null. |
services/grades/terms2 ¶
https://apps.ansb.pl/services/grades/terms2 | ||||||
Get grades of a user on given terms | ||||||
term_ids | required | pipe-separated list of academic term ids | ||||
course_ids | optional |
Default value: (empty string) pipe-separated list of course ids to limit results further |
fields | optional |
Default value: value_symbol|passes|value_description|exam_id|exam_session_number Selector of result fields you are interested in. The selector must contain subset of primary fields, which are described in the returns section of grade method. |
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
Plus required standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus required oauth_token for Token authorization. | ||||||
Returned value: Multilevel dictionary mapping term_id and course_id to object returned by course_edition2. If term_id given in the term_ids param does not exist it will be mapped to Null. |
services/grades/update_grade ¶
Administrative: This method requires a proper Administrative Consumer Key. Contact us to get one.
https://apps.ansb.pl/services/grades/update_grade | ||||||
This is a BETA method. We're looking for beta-testers. Until we find them, there's a substantial probability it won't stay backwards-compatible! If you are planning on using this method, please let us know. Then, we will work with you and move it out of beta as soon as we can. Update user's grade. | ||||||
student_id | required | ID of user whoose grade will be updated | ||||
exam_id | required | ID of an exam | ||||
exam_session_number | required | number of exam session | ||||
value_symbol | optional | Symbolic value of a grade | ||||
comment | optional | Public comment | ||||
private_comment | optional | Private comment | ||||
date_modified | optional | Date used to avoid concurrency problems. If you expect that grade doesn't exist in database you should pass empty string. | ||||
date_acquisition | optional | Date of grade acquisition. | ||||
format | optional |
Default value: json Format in which to return values. See supported output formats. |
callback | optional |
Required only if you've chosen jsonp as a return format. |
Plus required standard OAuth Consumer signing arguments: oauth_consumer_key, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature, oauth_signature_method, oauth_version. Plus required oauth_token for Token authorization. | ||||||
Returned value: An empty dictionary returned if the method has been executed successfully. Some keys may be added in the future. | ||||||
Thrown errors: